This masterclass is available to purchase on my site at any time for $197. And it's only $47 for you right now!
How To Use Your Human Design to Uncover Your New Paradigm Niche Masterclass $197 $47

Being UNIQUE is not an option when it comes to creating a standout personal brand, where YOU are the niche – the unconventional, can't-quite-put-a-finger-on-which-box-you-fall-into, unreplicable ESSENCE that only you can exude.

When it comes to voice, uniqueness, and ATTRACTION marketing, many make the mistake of investing only and heavily in aesthetics (erroneously believing that this is the master key to magnetic branding), and in modulating the technical elements of their voice (written and verbal) to captivate. 

But these qualities can be easily replicated/commoditized by someone else. 

OR, in the context of building a personal brand, 99% of people follow a rigid niching framework from some rando still preaching the gospels from the old paradigm... only to imprison their multi-passionate souls, painfully limiting and suffocating themselves. 

Psstt... when you are encumbered by your limitations, your audience KNOW, and your magnetism diminishes.

The truth is: MAGNETISM is a presence or an expression of an inner quality that only YOU have – the combination of your unconventionality / UNIQUENESS, your personal direction (aka your purpose, cause, ideal, vision, message), and your audience's aspirations, etc. 

The keys to this  are encoded in your Human Design.

Say goodbye to being pigeon-holed by 'finding your one thing' and having a mini-identity crisis when you realize you want to do something else...​
...and say hello to The Era of The Personal Brand, where you get to be ALL of you and make THAT a brand!​

In this Human Design x Personal Brand masterclass, get ready to discover....
  • your SOUL EXPRESSION STATEMENT (your unique "I help" statement) through the 3 specific key elements in your Human Design, Gene Keys, & Astrology birth chart (your unique expression blueprint) that informs the energetic theme for your new paradigm niche aka your X-factor (this works for Reflectors too!) 
  • the Superstar Player for doubling down on your BRAND STORY, and your unique message that your soulmate clients cannot help but respond to 
  • the map to reawakening your Inner Creatrix, your Divine Artist — it's time to ignite the innovator within you, so that you become a differentiated ChangeMaker in the Creator's Economy, even if your content topic isn't 'new'

This is perfect for multi-passionates who can’t ‘niche down’ and are ready to sculpt a brand that feels like playground for their soul!

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Access The New Paradigm Niche by Design Masterclass Now and Get This FREE BONUS!!!

"Which Offer Style is Right For My Brand, Based On My Human Design?"

Have you tried to create an offer, or structure your business model, according to a successful mentor's (even if both of you have the same energy type), only to feel unfulfilled, frustrated, or bitter? When this happens, your revenue flatlines too.

Everyone is different, which means that the energetic resonance of your creations & offers is unique as well. There is no cookie-cutter mould when it comes to creating the value pathways for flow in your business. 

This presentation shows you how to unveil the embodiment, energetic resonance, personality, and magnetism of your signature offer. It first covers the Masculine & Feminine aspects of a well-rounded offer, based on placements in your chart. Then, it dives into the energetic resonance of the CONTEXT of your signature offer.

Get This For FREE When You Purchase Your Access To The New Paradigm Niche by Design Masterclass Today!

Here's What You Get Today:

New Paradigm Niche by Design Masterclass

($197 Value)

Offers by Design (part one)

($97 Value)
Total Value: $294
Get it today for just $47! 
This masterclass is available to purchase on my site at any time for $197. And it's only $47 for you right now!

After purchase, you'll be given access to your member's portal, where you'll be able to watch the masterclass.

Discover how people WANT to see you and pay you.

​It's time to step into the magnetism you were born to embody.​

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p.s. here's an exclusive one-time offer that pairs perfectly with the Niching by Design masterclass 

The Mediatrix's Mirror, the masterclass for identifying your Soulmate Clients.

If you’ve been grappling with questions like “who exactly is my soulmate audience?"... or "how do I actually know what the desires of my true *soul* audience are?"... when creating content or writing copy, then this is the masterclass you've been looking for.
Once you’ve identified your New Paradigm niche (aka your X-Factor),  it's time to understand WHOM you serve on a deeeeppper level.

A BIG mistake most people make when trying to write content or copy that resonates is not getting into the hearts & minds of those they serve asap

And this is costing them:

Heart-to-heart connection with their audience
When your audience do not feel a sense of connection or bond with you, they stop paying attention and your words fall on deaf ears, because they do not feel seen, heard, and emotionally validated by you. 

An audience that responds and moves 
Most coaches speak to people's pain only, and this creates 'fear paralysis.' This is why it's an uphill battle to get their audience to move with heat & fervour. If you want to attract SELF-LED clients (clients who are self-responsible, know what they want, and need no convincing) and inspire them into action... then not only do you empathize with their pain, you must also inflame their deepest desires when you create content and write copy.

Not knowing the CORE IDENTITY of your soulmate audience/client means you have zero idea what their innermost fears & desires are. 

And not having this knowledge will render your efforts with consistent content creation futile... imagine running on a hamster wheel that leaves you burnt out, and in the same place you started.

In this masterclass, get ready to discover how you can use The Mediatrix's Mirror to...

Shine your brand personality & values to the world, so you can put your blinders up to every other brand in your industry, and focus on just expressing YOU. Before you know it, they look at you and think, “I don’t know why but I realllllyyy love Nicole’s vibe. There’s something about her I can’t get enough of.”  

SEE into the inner world of your soulmate clients, so you can captivate their attention through emotionally connecting with your soulmate client’s core values, drives, and desires, when you create your content or write your copy...

Let's turn the intimacy heat up, where your soulmate clients cannot resist but slide into your DMs to ask how they can work/play/dance with you, because they feel so SEEN and IGNITED by you

Snag the The Mediatrix's Mirror masterclass now for $37 (instead of $197)

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  • Total payment
  • 1xNiching by Design Masterclass$47

All prices in USD